Custom Peer Group

Compare your plant performance with a specialized group. Receive valuable insight into your relative performance.

Compare your plant performance with a specialized group. Receive valuable insight into your relative performance.

Get help identifying untapped production efficiency improvement savings through a peer comparison of your production operations. We can help identify targets and plan initiatives that will improve reliability and operating efficiency, close performance gaps with your peers, optimize operating costs and increase overall profits.

Your selection criteria for peer groups will reflect the tactical and strategic plans you’ve developed to improve your company’s competitive performance. For each customized peer group requested, you receive the same detailed study deliverables provided with each of our standard study peer groups, including the performance gap analysis (gross margin and/or operating expense) you specify. In addition to selecting custom refinery peer groups, you may also choose custom process unit peer groups.

Standard peer group studies provide valuable insight into relative performance differences on a consistent study-wide basis. But there are times when more narrowly defined peer groups — perhaps what you consider the competition for each specific refinery — can help you better meet your benchmarking needs.

Performance Comparisons

Solomon' studies provide standardized peer groupings that allow performance comparisons within: 

  • Major geographic areas
  • Operating regions
  • Size/complexity groups
  • Groups of plants with similar configurations 

However, some clients wish to compare performance with an even more specialized group.

Gain Actionable Insight

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Obtain a clear picture of your competitive position with data-driven, actionable insight. Make informed decisions and justify your strategies and improvement projects.

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A Foundation for Effective Comparative Performance Analysis and Decision Support


We prioritize the integrity and confidentiality of participant-submitted data and rigorously review that data before benchmarking begins. Then, we employ our normalization process and benchmarking methodology to provide valuable and trusted peer group comparisons that deliver meaningful KPIs. Finally, our staff of senior consultants apply their deep industry experience to develop practical insight and recommendations to enable your success.



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