Aromatics Study

Gain a comprehensive, competitive assessment of your aromatics plant, including insight to deliver on your climate commitments.

Gain a comprehensive, competitive assessment of your aromatics plant, including insight to deliver on your climate commitments.

Solomon's Worldwide Aromatics Plants Performance Analysis (Aromatics Study) delivers a global perspective on the performance highs and lows of all your units, regardless of location, starting with your aggregate complex performance and moving down in granularity to the level of the individual unit. The study includes performance peer groups from aromatics complexes around the world and features new energy sustainability and carbon emissions metrics to help you deliver on your climate commitments.

Understand your competitive strengths and weaknesses. Gain a comprehensive assessment of your plant’s competitiveness, deep insight into industry performance trends, and a set of plant-specific performance gaps to guide improvement initiatives.

Read the News Release

The Aromatics Study reports performance metrics for >95 aromatic plants worldwide.

  • How do my operating expenses compare to others in my region and to global top performers?
  • How do my energy efficiency and carbon emissions levels compare to peers and high performers?
  • Is my energy efficiency adequate for the age of my complex? (Figure 1)
  • How does the turnaround downtime of my aromatics process unit compare to peers? (Figure 2)
  • How reliable are my facilities compared to top performers?
  • How effective is my maintenance program in driving a reliable operation?
  • Are the size and productivity levels of my workforce comparable to those of peers?
  • What are my largest economic gaps relative to global high-performing complexes?

Figure 1. Energy Efficiency and Complex Age: aromatics complex energy assessment considering technology age and competitiveness against high performing complex peer-group.

Figure 2. Aromatics Extraction Turnaround Analysis: complex and process unit turnaround annualized downtime information to allow assessment of turnaround plans.

Areas of Focus

Process Utilization
Maintenance (Turnaround and Non-Turnaround)
Mechanical and Operational Availability
Energy (Net Energy, Energy Intensity Index and Energy Sustainability Index)
Emissions (Carbon Emissions Index)
Personnel (Cost and Efficiency)
Cash Operating Expense (Total and Non-Energy)
Operating Data by Process Unit

Study Deliverables

Study participants will receive the following for each plant:

Performance rankings on a global, regional, and peer group basis for all performance areas
Solomon’s proprietary metrics and indicators for all performance areas
Metrics and indicators for all peer groups
Assessment of both whole-complex performance and individual units
A gap analysis versus global high-performing peers

Why Participate?

Assess detailed competitive position
Identify actionable performance gaps and set improvement targets
Provide justifications for capital investment and staffing plans
Measure the progress of improvement activities
Demonstrate performance to joint-venture partners and financial institutions


Learn How You Can Participate

Obtain a clear picture of your competitive position with data-driven, actionable insight. Join the Aromatics Study and receive the decision support you need for your performance improvement efforts. We can help you prioritize focus areas for improvement, set targets, implement plans, and track KPIs on an ongoing basis.

Download the Study Invitation Request a Consultation

A Foundation for Effective Comparative Performance Analysis and Decision Support

Data Quality, Benchmarking Methodology

We prioritize the integrity and confidentiality of participant-submitted data and rigorously review that data before benchmarking begins. Then, we employ our normalization process and benchmarking methodology to provide valuable and trusted peer group comparisons that deliver meaningful KPIs. Finally, our staff of senior consultants apply their deep industry experience to develop practical insight and recommendations to enable your success.




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