Solomon’s Worldwide Ethylbenzene and Styrene Monomer Plant Performance Analysis (EBSM Study) helps you understand the practices and trends of today’s petrochemical industry, makes you aware of the status of your plant in all key performance areas, and provides valuable insight and data-driven support for your performance improvement efforts.
The study results help determine your competitive position using standard industry peer groups; evaluate specific performance shortfalls; formulate expense/margin optimization plans; establish performance targets and measure progress; assess the future performance impact of planned capital improvements and modifications; and demonstrate performance and capability to joint-venture partners, financial institutions, and security analysts.
All participating companies receive a report, supported by study data, that provides valuable insight for decision support and a thorough assessment of industry trends. The data tables include calculation worksheets for each metric, as well as performance rankings, aggregated peer group results, and historical trend results.
How Do You Compare?
Solomon studies help you find answers to questions critical to your business success:
How reliable are my facilities?
How does my equipment utilization compare to that of other producers?
Are my operating expenses comparable to those of companies with similar facilities?
Do my facilities produce a competitive gross margin, accounting for my utilization and complexity?
How does my operating performance compare to that of other producers?
Learn How You Can Participate
Identify and target specific performance areas for improvement in your ethylbenzene and styrene plant. Obtain a clear picture of your competitive position with data-driven, actionable insight. Make informed decisions and justify your statements and improvement projects.
A Foundation for Effective Comparative Performance Analysis and Decision Support
We prioritize the integrity and confidentiality of participant-submitted data and rigorously review that data before benchmarking begins. Then, we employ our normalization process and benchmarking methodology to provide valuable and trusted peer group comparisons that deliver meaningful KPIs. Finally, our staff of senior consultants apply their deep industry experience to develop practical insight and recommendations to enable your success.