Solomon’s Worldwide Geothermal Asset Performance Analysis (Geothermal Asset Power Study) offers many unique benefits. We’ve drawn on our trusted and proven energy industry studies (i.e., refining, pipeline, and power studies) to develop customized metrics for steam gathering, steam processing, and steam conversion. We offer an independent, third-party assessment of your performance while keeping your participation strictly confidential.
The study enables you to remain competitive and profitable in a changing market, maintain long-term business continuity, base your changes on objective data (not opinions), and minimize increasing industry costs. You will also better understand how to allocate limited financial and human resources, and identify your lost market opportunities. Additionally, the study results will help you understand the causes and values of lost revenue and provide the data and justification to create a solid cost-optimization strategy that will positively impact your bottom line.
- How reliable are my facilities?
- How does my equipment utilization compare with others?
- Are my operating expenses comparable to those of companies with similar facilities?
- Do my facilities produce a competitive gross margin based on my utilization and complexity?
- How do I compare across the range of performance in the industry?
The study provides valuable and actionable insight into a highly competitive industry so that you can identify, quantify, and prioritize your best opportunities. Companies around the world depend on benchmarking to assess their performance. Data increasingly confirms that best performers use benchmarking as a performance tool to drive continuous improvement, while poor performers fall further behind.
Learn how you can use our peer comparison data and actionable insight to guide your decisions.
Learn How You Can Participate
Benchmark your performance against peers and see where you have performance gaps in steam gathering, processing, and conversion. Obtain a clear picture of your competitive position with data-driven, actionable insight. Make informed decisions and justify your strategies and improvement projects.
A Foundation for Effective Comparative Performance Analysis and Decision Support
We prioritize the integrity and confidentiality of participant-submitted data and rigorously review that data before benchmarking begins. Then, we employ our normalization process and benchmarking methodology to provide valuable and trusted peer group comparisons that deliver meaningful KPIs. Finally, our staff of senior consultants apply their deep industry experience to develop practical insight and recommendations to enable your success.