Solomon Perspective - Whitepaper 

Why Benchmark During an Olefins Business Downcycle?

The global olefins industry remains mired in a downcycle of historic proportions. Amid the most challenging olefins business environment in over a decade, why would a producer seek to understand competitive positioning by participating in the Olefin Study? Let us provide 10 reasons, grounded in the performance benchmarking data that have been the hallmark of Solomon since 1981.

Learn More About the Olefin Study

Our robust performance benchmarking delivers actionable insights for continuous improvement. The competitive bar is being raised as never before. Are your olefin plants keeping up? Join others that leverage actionable insight in the Olefin Study to solve their most critical issues and improve performance.

Watch Video: An Olefins Business Discussion - Why Benchmark During an Industry Downcycle?

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