
Comprehensive training that draws from a historical, proprietary library of industry best practices and proven methodologies, plus the real-world knowledge from experienced consultants.

Comprehensive training that draws from a historical, proprietary library of industry best practices and proven methodologies, plus the real-world knowledge from experienced consultants.

Our seminars are available to Solomon CPA™ study customers to help participants submit their study data efficiently and accurately and discover actionable insight in the study results in order to improve operations and profitability.



The results of the Solomon benchmarking studies are widely used by executive management in strategic investment decisions. Because these results directly reflect the data provided during the input phase of these studies, the work of the data coordinator and other members of the data collection team is vital.

This seminar helps data coordinators and their teams reduce the number of hours involved in inputting data by learning how to efficiently navigate and accurately submit the Input Files, as well as successfully organize and manage their Solomon data collection project. The seminar focuses on areas where assistance has most often been required to resolve issues.

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The output from your benchmarking study participation can at first seem overwhelming. Buried deep within the data are many opportunities to gain actionable insight to improve performance and remain competitive. So how do you get started and where do you look?

Solomon’s How to Use the Data Seminars provides you the skills to navigate the standard results files, gain insight and identify opportunities. With this training, you will be able to quickly find the information you need to answer key performance questions and you will learn how to select and compare yourself to peer groups that are most appropriate. Additionally, you will learn how to build your own customized reports, and fully understand your key performance indicators (KPIs) and how they trend across multiple study years.

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Learn From the Experts

  • Discover actionable insights from the study results and improve your operations and profitability.
  • Expedite the data collection process and ensure data is efficiently and accurately captured from the start.
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